About Me

Highly motivated IT professional with a passion for problem-solving and hands-on experience in the industry. Possessing a strong foundation in data structures and algorithms. Eager to learn and adapt quickly to emerging technologies and trends in the IT landscape. I also possess excellent communication and interpersonal abilities, making me a strong team player. Seeking a challenging role where I can continue to learn and make a positive impact in the IT industry while working in a dynamic and collaborative environment.

  • UI/UX
    Design Web/App interfaces
  • Web Development
    Web app development
  • App Development
    Building Android apps
  • May 2022 - Current
    Remote Software developer
  • January - April 2022
    Industrial Attachment
    Kericho Huduma Centre
  • 2019 - 2023
    Chuka University
    Bsc Computer Science
  • 2015 - 2018
    Kabokyek Adventist Secondary School
    Kenya Certficate of Secondary Education
  • 2007 - 2014
    Kabokyek Primary School
    Kenya Certficate of Primary Education

My Services

Web Design & Development

Elevate your online presence with my web design and development expertise. I specialize in crafting sleek, user-centric websites that seamlessly blend form and function. From eye-catching layouts to smooth navigation, I create digital experiences that captivate and engage.

UI/UX Design

By understanding user behaviors and needs, I craft designs that captivate and guide, ensuring seamless interactions. From wireframes to pixel-perfect prototypes, I'm dedicated to enhancing user satisfaction and driving engagement.

App Design & Development

Turn your app idea into reality with my app design and development expertise. With a keen eye for design and a passion for seamless functionality, I create apps that deliver exceptional user experiences.

My Work

SDA Sabbath School App (JAVA)

The app gathers for daily devotional needs for an individual or group as they seek in-depth knowledge of GOD'S love towards mankind. Audio has be added to this application to gather for the visually challenged.

Harry Potter Characters (NEXT JS With API)

This project displays a list of Harry Potter characters, showing their names and Date of Birth in the homepage from API data

Tech Alpha Internship Tasks (Java)

This Github project shows the tasks I completed while undergoing a remote one month Java Internship at Tech Alpha

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